Wednesday 8 September 2010

A pub for all seasons

Back down in Acton Green.
Walking for the bus a different way............
And I spy the The Swan.
This was a great pub back in the 1970s.
It still is!
I used to go here regularly with the teachers from Acton Green Middle which in those days was the school on the other corner of Acton Lane.
I remains a brilliant local pub with excellent food.
Now-a-days that is called a gastro-pub!
I sill think of it is a pub for all seasons..
Inside it still has it's welcoming wood panelled interior and outside a large lawned area and a patio .  Back in the 1970s there were large ponds with enormous gold fish.
Sadly the wonderful 1890s Board School was pulled down in the 1980s and fklats and houses were built on the site including the old playground.

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