Friday 27 August 2010

Signs in Dukes Meadow

Duke's Meadow in Chiswick down by the Thames makes a great walk.
It provides breathing space for all those people in west London who want to fill their lungs with river and 'contry' air! It is on the north bank of the river opposite Mortlake and Barnes and it is situated within the 'inner loop' of the river.  This large area has predominantly remained as open space throughout its history.
Before flood defences and embankments were built to control the river, Duke's Meadow was a low-lying area subject to periodic flooding.
Back in the 1920s local people worked hard to create what they called a River Boulevard.
It was transformed into a an outstanding riverside walk and stretches on both sides of Barnes Bridge, and is overlooked on the north side by Chiswick House.
So how did it gets its name? Dukes Meadow was purchased from the Duke of Devonshire,
The local Duke's Meadow Trust do much to keep the area in the forfront of the local council's mind and recently a coupleo f new signs have appeared.

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