Wednesday 25 August 2010

91 miles from Braunston

I took my car for its service today and decided to walk back up the Hanwell Flight, which I had chugged down last week in Hallmark.  91 miles from Bruanston the old Grand Junction Canal company sign said.
It was I covered everbit of it!
What a great sunny morning it was.

A dozen locks carry the Grand Union down the vally of the Brent to the Thames.
It is brillaint bit of canal.  Ramed full of history.
The entrance to the Otto Monsted's 'Maypole' margareine factory is still in water and giant walls to the Victorian menal asylum still run alongside the tow path, and of course the famous Three Bridges take the canl over the railway and the road over the canal.
Some of the locks come very close together and are tough work with a boat.
Walking is a different matter.  Easy..............
What beauty ........... what calm............... what peace you can find!

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