Friday 7 May 2010

Woolston Millennium Garden is stunning

Down in Woolston near Southampton with time to spare for a photo or two.  I have always thought the Woolston Millennium Garden was stunning.  It was created in collaboration with the local ship builder, Vosper Thornycroft.  The garden makes links to the town’s extraordinary aviation and maritime heritage.  The theme is flight and float.   The main feature is a huge feather which can be seen as you are walking into centre via the Itchen Bridge. The feather
The garden comprises three landscaped areas that represent the elements of land, sea and sky; constructed in grassed earthwork, granite blocks, and resin bounded stone and blue glass. A brick path in the form of an aeroplane propeller runs across the site, unifying the space and drawing people to the focal point, a 10 metre high stainless steel and glass ‘feather’ sculpture.
The seat

1 comment:

  1. Hello Dave,

    i thought you might like to know that a website dedicated to the garden is nearing completion, subject to some more images to find and upload


    Barry Wake (chair of the garden team)


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