Monday 20 September 2010

There are some stunning buildings in Acton. 
One of them is the old cinema on the Uxbridge Road.
This is now a very popular bingo hall which does a 'roaribng trade!.
The cinema was opened in 1938 by Gracie Fields as the Dominion although in later years it became the Granada.
Both inside and out many of the 1930's architectural features remain.
The seating in the circle is still in its original position, but in the stalls it has been removed to provide space for tables and chairs for bingo patrons.
Amazingly Acton had more than it shares of cinema.  The local history society refer to at least six..........
There was one on the site of Morrisson.  Another where the Oaks Precinct now stands and there was the Crown in Mill Hill Place.

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