Friday 9 July 2010

What a treasure........... and its in Acton too!

We popped in here for a celebratory  meal for Pat's 'retirement' on Friday evening.
As ever the food was really good.
Top notch in fact with such friendly service.
This beautiful dark wood and brass gem stands out on Acton's High Street.
It's the George and Dragon and it is not just any pub.
In times gone by this was a proper coaching inn on the road to Bristol and Bath.
It is an inn with well over 300 years of history and it was impeccably restored with money from English Heritage in 2006.
This is the place (so they say)  that Dick Turpin, the famous highwayman 'dropped in' for a pint or two. The front bar area has plenty of traditional with original dark wood panelling and an original seventeenth century fire place and it features, behind the bar, a list of landlords dating back to 1759.
The pub is  also deceptively spacious with the low beamed front bar opening on to a huge double-height back room with art nouveau statues and large mirrors.
It is by far the best pub in Acton


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